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50 years of Italy at
the United Nations
(1955 - 2005)
Photo Gallery
20, 1955
Alberico Casardi, Permanent Representative of Italy, Statement in
10th General Assembly Session, 560th meeting. |
March 9, 1956
Alberico Casardi,
Permanent Representative of Italy, Raising of the Italian flag in
front of the United Nations Headquarters. |
March 13, 1956
Giovanni Gronchi, President of the Republic of Italy, on an
official visits the United Nations |
November 21, 1956
Martino, Minister of Foreign Affairs statement in 11th General
Assembly session,
plenary meeting 588. |
September 20, 1957
Pella, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 12th General
Assembly session,
681st meeting. |
September 25, 1958
Piccioni, Minister of Foreign Affairs statement in 13th
General Assembly
session, 758th plenary meeting, first speaker October 8, 1958
(First election of Italy at the Security Council). |
April 1, 1959
Giuseppe Pella, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Meets with
Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld at the United Nations |
September 7, 1959
Egidio Ortona,
Permanent Representative, 845th meeting Security Council. |
September 23, 1959
Pella, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 14th General
session, 804th meeting. |
October 4, 1959
Segni, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with
Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld at the United Nations |
June 23,
Ortona, Permanent Representative of Italy, addresses the Security
Council on the Argentine complaint against Israel. |
September 9, 1960
Security Council meets to discuss the fourth report by the
Secretary General on the situation in the Congo. Egidio Ortona,
Permanent Representative of Italy, presides over the Council. |
7, 1960
Security Council meets to discuss the alarming situation in the
Congo. Egidio Ortona, Permanent Representative of Italy, addresses
the Council. |
June 15, 1961
Amintore Fanfani, Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjöld at the United Nations |
September 27, 1963
Piccioni, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 18th session
General Assembly
1218th meeting. |
January 17, 1964
Antonio Segni, President of the Republic of Italy, meets with
Secretary-General U Thant during official visit to the United Nations
February 18, 1965
Pietro Nenni, Deputy Prime Minister, visits the United Nations |
April 23, 1965
Aldo Moro, Prime Minister, and Amintore Fanfani, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, visit the United Nations |
October 4, 1965
Amintore Fanfani, President of the General Assembly, statement of
welcome to Pope Paul VI's Address to United Nations in 20th General
Assembly Session, 1347th meeting. |
October 13, 1966
Piccioni, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 21st General
Assembly session,
1441st meeting. |
October 4, 1967
Piccioni, Chairman of the Italian delegation to the General Assembly,
statement in 22nd General Assembly session. |
October 9, 1968
Giuseppe Medici, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 23rd
General Assembly session, 1687th plenary meeting. |
October 9, 1969
Aldo Moro, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 24th General
session, 1783rd plenary meeting. |
October 22, 1970
Aldo Moro, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, meets with Secretary-General U Thant during an official visit
to the United Nations |
August 18, 1971
Piero Vinci, Permanent Representative of Italy, President of
the Security Council, 1575th meeting. |
October 5, 1971
Moro, Foreign Minister of Italy, meets with Secretary-General U Thant. |
October 6, 1971
Aldo Moro, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 26th General
session, 1954th plenary meeting. |
September 28, 1972
Giuseppe Medici, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 27th
General Assembly
session, 2044th meeting. |
April 19, 1973
Giulio Andreotti, Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-Generak Kurt
Waldheim |
September 27, 1974
Giovanni Leone, President of the Republic of Italy, on an official
visit to the United nations in New York |
September 23, 1975
Mariano Rumor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 30th General
session 2357th meeting. |
September 27, 1976
Forlani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, meets with Secretary-Generak
Kurt Waldheim |
October 1, 1976
Forlani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 31st General
Assembly session,
13th meeting.
December 8, 1976
Giulio Andreotti, Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-Generak Kurt
September 28, 1977
Forlani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 32nd General
Assembly session,
11th meeting. |
June 2, 1978
Giulio Andreotti, Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-Generak Kurt
Waldheim |
September 23, 1978
Forlani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 33rd General
Assembly session,
11th meeting. |
September 26, 1979
Maria Malfatti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 34th
General Assembly
session, 10th meeting. |
January 26, 1980
Francesco Cossiga, Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-Generak Kurt
Waldheim. |
August 27, 1980
Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in the Eleventh
Special Session of the UN General Assembly. |
September 23, 1980
Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 35th
General Assembly session, 7th meeting. |
September 23, 1981
Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 36th
General Assembly session, 9th meeting. |
March 31, 1982
Sandro Pertini, President of the Republic of Italy, visits the United
Nations in New York |
June 14, 1982
Giovanni Spadolini, Prime Minister of Italy, visits the United Nations |
September 29, 1982
Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 37th
General Assembly session, 9th meeting. |
May 31, 1983
Amintore Fanfani, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with
Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar |
September 29, 1983
Giulio Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 38th
General Assembly session, 11th meeting. |
October 21, 1983
Bettino Craxi, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with Secretary-General
Javier Perez de Cuellar |
October 2, 1984
Giulio Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 39th
General Assembly session, 16th meeting. |
March 4, 1985
Bettino Craxi, Prime Minister of Italy,
meets with Secretary-General
Javier Perez de Cuellar |
October 24, 1985
Bettino Craxi, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with Secretary-General
Javier Perez de Cuellar. |
September 25, 1985
Giulio Andreotti,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 40th General Assembly session, 8th meeting. |
September 23, 1986
Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 40th General
Assembly session,
47th meeting. |
July 20, 1987
Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Security Council 2750th meeting. |
September 24, 1987
Giulio Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 42nd
General Assembly session, 11th meeting. |
December 18, 1987
Goria, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with Secretary-General
Javier Perez de Cuellar. |
June 7,1988
Giulio Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 15th
General Assembly Special session, 10th meeting. |
September 29, 1988
Giulio Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 43rd
General Assembly session, 10th meeting. |
September 27, 1989
Gianni De Michelis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 44th
General Assembly session, eighth meeting. |
October 16, 1989
Francesco Cossiga, president of the Republic of Italy, meets with
Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar. |
April 24, 1990
Gianni De Michelis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 18th
General Assembly special session, 3rd meeting. |
September 25, 1990
Gianni De Michelis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 45th
General Assembly session, 6th meeting. |
October 2, 1990
Gianni De Michelis, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
meets with Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar. |
January 3, 1991
Claudio Martelli, Deputy Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-General
Javier Perez de Cuellar. |
March 22, 1991
Giulio Andreotti, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with
Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar. |
September 27, 1991
Gianni De Michelis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 46th
General Assembly session, 12th Meeting. |
January 21, 1992
Gianni De Michelis, Minister of Foreign Affairs, meets with
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali. |
September 24, 1992
Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, meets with
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali |
October 2, 1992
Emilio Colombo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 47th
General Assembly session, 10th meeting. |
September 30, 1993
Beniamino Andreatta, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 48th
General Assembly session, 10th plenary meeting. |
September 19, 1994
Cesare Previti, Minister of Defense, meets with Secretary-General
Boutros Boutros Ghali. |
September 29, 1994
Antonio Martino, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 49th
General Assembly session, 11th meeting. |
September 26, 1995
Agnelli Minister of Foreign Affairs, as President of SC, 3583rd
meeting, 50th year - on the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. |
April 3, 1996
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, President of the Republic of Italy, Official
visit to the United Nations |
September 26, 1996
Dini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 51st General Assembly session, 10th meeting. |
September, 25 1997
Dini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 52nd General Assembly session, 11th meeting |
June 8, 1998
Prodi, Prime Minister of Italy, addressing the Twentieth Special
Session of the General Assembly (Drug Summit). |
September 23, 1998
Dini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, meets with Secretary General Kofi
Annan. |
November 19, 1998
Lamberto Dini, Foreign Minister of Italy, addresses the United Nations
World Television Forum. |
April 22, 1999
Massimo D'Alema, Prime Minister of Italy, meets with Secretary-General
Kofi Annan |
September 22, 1999
Dini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 54th General
Assembly session, 8th
meeting |
September 7, 2000
Amato, Prime Minister, meets with Secretary-General Kofi Annan. |
September 13, 2000
Dini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 55th General
Assembly session, 12th
meeting. |
November 11, 2001
Renato Ruggiero, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 56th
General Assembly session, 46th meeting |
September 13, 2002
Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs,
statement in 57th General Assembly session, 4th plenary meeting |
September 23, 2003
Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister, statement in 58th
General Assembly session, 7th
plenary meeting |
November 16, 2003
Azeglio Ciampi, President of Italy, meeting with Secretary-General
Kofi Annan |
May 19, 2004
Berlusconi, Prime Minister, meeting with Secretary-General Kofi Annan |
September 23, 2004
Frattini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement in 59th General
Assembly session,
7th meeting |
April 12, 2005
Gianfranco Fini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Italy, meeting with
Secretary-General Kofi Annan |
September 15, 2005
Berlusconi, Prime Minister, statement To the High Level Plenary
Meeting of the 60th Session of the General Assembly |
September 18, 2005
Gianfranco Fini,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, statement To the High Level Plenary
Meeting of the 60th Session of the General Assembly |