Lectures and Conferences
January 22, 2008, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Institute (Rome), Presentation on "Management, Statistiche e Diplomazia"
Paris, 17 October 2008, General Consulate, Presentation of the book "La Penna del diplomatico"October 21, 2008, University of Perugia, Faculty of Political Science, Presentation on "La PESC: risorse finanziarie a disposizione e strumenti giuridici utilizzati" (in videoconference)
November 18, 2008 - University of Pavia, Faculty of Political Science, Presentation on "Il Diplomatico nell’era dell’informazione" (in videoconference)
Citta' della Pieve, 8 agosto 2006, Comune di Citta' della Pieve, Palazzo della Corgna, Round table on "Diplomazia e Carriere internazionali"
New York, 22 March 2006, Videoconference with the Universita' of Roma 3, Master
in Storia e Storiografia multimediale
- Gli strumenti della politica estera: la
struttura ed il funzionamento del Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Other lectures in New York to Schools and Universities in 2006
New York, 17 November 2005, Videoconference with the Universita' of Siena, Corso di Laurea in Cooperazione allo sviluppo
della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Siena - Lavorare nelle Organizzazioni internazionali:
istruzioni per l’uso
New York, 3 November 2005, Videoconference with the Universita' of Siena, Corso di Laurea in Cooperazione allo sviluppo della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Siena - Gli strumenti della politica estera: ruolo ed attività del Ministero degli Affari Esteri
New York, 17 February 2005, Presentation at the United Nations - New York on “WiFi – Hotspots: Internet wireless connection for delegates at the United Nations – How it works and what to do with it”
Other lectures in New York to Schools and Universities in 2005
Rome, 3 December 2004, Speaker at the Conference "Programma Esperti Associati e Giovani Funzionari. Trenta Anni di Cooperazione con le Organizzazioni Internazionali". Presentation on: "Analisi dell’impatto del Programma Esperti associati e Giovani Funzionari sulla presenza dei funzionari italiani nel Segretariato delle Nazioni Unite"
New York, 5 May 2004, Videoconference with the University of Bologna, Facolta' di Scienze politiche di Forli' (in collaboration with AVSI), "Le opportunita' di carriera negli organismi internazionali"
Other lectures in New York to Schools and Universities in 2004
New York, 12 December 2003, Presentation "Internet Services for Delegates", United Nations, Conference Room 4.
New York - Rome (in videoconference), 24 November 2003, Lecture on "Hacktivism, cyberterrorism and cyberwar", Universita' Roma 3 - Master in Storia Multimediale.
New York, 15 May 2003, Lecture on "L'Italia e le Nazioni Unite", Scuola d'Italia Guglielmo Marconi, New York
Other lectures to Schools and Universities in New York in 2003
Rome April/May 2002, Organizer and Lecturer at the Advanced Course on "New Information Technologies for International Relations", SIOI.
Roma, 26 March 2002, Lecture on “Nuove risposte per un mondo che cambia: struttura e funzionamento del Ministero degli affari esteri”, Fondazione Dragan
Roma, 7 March 2002, Lecture on “la multimedialita’ per la diplomazia del XXI secolo”, Universita’ Roma 3, Master in storia multimediale
Roma, 13 February 2002, Lecture on “Il Ministero degli affari esteri in cifre”, SIOI
Roma, 14 January 2002, Lecture on “The Ministry of Foreing Affairs in numbers”, Istituto diplomatico
Tunis, 7 January 2002, “Améliorer la communication des organisations internationales avec le WEB”, Centre africaine de perfectionnement des journalistes et communicateurs (CAPJC)
Roma, 6 December 2001, Lecture on “L’uso delle statistiche nelle attivita’diplomatiche”, Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Citta’ del Vaticano, 4 December 2001, Lecture on “Uso delle nuove tecnologie nelle relazioni internazionali”, Pontificia Universita’ Lateranense
27 November 2001, Siena, Lecture on “Employment opportunities in International Organizations”, Università di Siena, Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca sul cambiamento politico
Roma, 20 November 2001, Lecture on “Internet per le relazioni internazionali”, LUISS
Roma, 26 September 2001, Lecture at the training course for diplomats of East Timor on “The Ministry of foreign affairs of Italy: facts and figures”, Scuola di perfezionamento per le forze di polizia.
Firenze, 15 June 2001, Lecture on "Le relazioni internazionali in prospettiva interdisciplinare", Forum on the problems of peace and war
Turin, 29 May 2001, Lecturer at the "Workshop on Communication and Negotiation Skills for Latin American diplomats" on "Use of Internet in International Negotiations", organized by the ILO Training Centre - Turin
Gorizia, 28 May 2001, Lecture on "Foreign policy and IT" and on "Carriere internazionali" at the "Corso di Laurea in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche" dell'Università di Trieste
Vienna, 16 May 2001, Presentation of the book "Internet Guide for diplomats" at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy
Rome, 10 May 2001, Lecture on "Politica estera e nuove tecnologie". LUISS University, Corso di Laurea in Scienze politiche, cattedra di Relazioni Internazionali
Milan, 5 May 2001, Lecture on "Lavorare nelle organizzazioni internazionali" at the Salone sulle carriere internazionali (Globe 2001) organised by ISPI
Forlì, 3 May 2001, Lecture on "Opportunità di carriera nelle Organizzazioni Internazionali", Facoltà di Economia - Corso Universitario in Economia delle Imprese cooperative e delle Organizzazioni Nonprofit
Rome, 23 April 2001, Lecture on "Le carriere internazionali nelle organizzazioni internazionali e nell'ambito europeo", Societa' Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale (SIOI)
Naples, 20 April 2001, Lecture on "Lavorare nelle Organizzazioni Internazionali e nel Ministero degli Affari Esteri", Istituto Universitario Orientale, Corso di laurea in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche
Rome, 10 April 2001, Lecture on "L'Italia nel mondo: la presenza italiana nelle organizzazioni internazionali", Fondazione Dragan
Rome, 3 April 2001, Lecture on "Le nuove tecnologie nella politica internazionale", Fondazione Dragan
Trento, 30 March 2001, Lecture on "Le carriere internazionali: lavoro, stage e volontariato all'estero", Università degli studi di Trento, Fiera del Lavoro 2001.
Turin, 20 March 2001, Lecturer at the "Workshop on Communication and Negotiation Skills for Eastern Europe diplomats" on "Utilisation of Internet in International Negotiations", organized by the ILO Training Centre - Turin
Naples, 13 March 2001, Lecturer at the "Third Global Forum" on "Web Diplomacy" organized by Italian Government, UN, OECD and World Bank
Malta, 9 February 2001, Speaker at the Conference "International Conference on Web Management adn Diplomacy" on "Website Management for Ministries and Missions", organized by Diploprojects, Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies
Turin, 6 February 2001, Lecturer at the Workshop "Communication as a Reform Tool for the UN System" on "Enhancing WEB Communication for International Organizations", organized by the United Nations Staff College - Turin
Rome, 23 January 2001, Presentation "The Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs", Ambassadors accredited to Italy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Turin, 25 October 2000, Lecturer at the "Pre-Assignment Course for JPOs" on "An International Career" and " New IT and International Organizations", organized by the United Nations Staff College Project - Turin
Bologna, 20 June 2000, Speaker on "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italy's presence in International Organizations" at the International Conference on " Public Administration and globalization: international and supranational administrations" organized by the International Institute of Administrative Sciences.
1999 and previous years
Geneva, 6 October 1999, Lecturer at the "UNITAR Fellowship Programme in International Affairs on "Information Technologies for Diplomatic Activities", organized by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research - Geneva
Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago), 23-25 August 1999, Keynote speaker at the "Caribbean Conference on on-line
Training for diplomatic services of Carribbean Countries" organized by the
Institute of International Relations of Trinidad and Tobago
Rome, 12 November 1998, Speaker at the session on "Formazione per giovani laureati e
prospettive di carriera negli organismi internazionali" in the framework of the
4th National Conference of Statistics organized by ISTAT
(Italian Statistical Institute)
Geneva, 28 October 1998, Keynote speaker on "Suggestions for International Organizations
Websites" in the Sixth Session of UN/ISCC (Information Systems Co-ordination
Geneva, 9 October 1998, Lecturer at the "UNITAR
Fellowship Programme in International Affairs on "New Communication Techniques for
diplomats: the use of Internet", organized by the United Nations Institute for
Training and Research - Geneva
Turin, 3/4 October 1998, Lecturer at the "Induction
and orientation course for Italian JPOs/AEs" on "Information Techcnology and Multilateral
Affairs", organized by the United Nations Staff College Project - Turin
Geneva, 27 March 1998, Lecturer at the information session on the use
of the Internet for diplomats". organized by the United Nations Office at Geneva
Malta, 30 May/1 June 1997, Participant and lecturer at the International Conference on "Information Technology and Diplomacy". organized by the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies of the University of Malta. Title of the lecture: "Internet and the information gathering in diplomatic activities".
Geneva (Switzerland), May 6/10, 1996, Seminar on "Structure and functioning of the
Principal Subsidiary Bodies of the United Nations" Organized by the United Nations
Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Madrid, June 28/29, 1987, Participant and panelist at the meeting for journalists and
university students organized by the Naumann Foundation "Les défis à l'Europe et la
sécurité européenne" (in French). The title of the paper was "L'Europe et un Plan
Marshall pour les pays en voie de développement"
Montréal, 9/11 June 1988, Participant and panelist at the Conference on "Societies in Transition, Italians and Italian- Canadians in the '80": author of the report: "Some aspects of the Italian community in Canada".
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