Tips and tricks on the use of Internet for diplomats in Geneva by Stefano Baldi

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Developing New skills
The right use of Search Engines

Too many Search Engines !

There are hundreds of search tools out there on top of big and popular ones there are specific search services for special interests. Some search email, addresses or phone numbers, or maybe newsgroups only.

Some search engines like Metafind , are all-in-one and you can enter key words into many engines at once, so that the first set of ten or so of hits of several services are listed on each page.

None of the search engines index everything on the web. No search engine can claim to have a perfect record of everything out there. A good search engine should gather more than a few pages from each web site it visits. The more pages it gathers, the more likely it will have comprehensive index of the web. It should also also make regular visits to the web sites in its index. This keeps the index fresh.

For getting an idea of search engines sizes look at:

» See document:

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    Please send your comments to Stefano Baldi.
    This document was updated 31/01/99.

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