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Description of indicator
(Health system performance)
Overall health system attainment is presented in Annex Table 9. This composite meas-ure
of achievement in the level of health, the distribution of health, the level of responsive-ness,
the distribution of responsiveness and fairness of financial contribution has been
constructed based on weights derived from the survey of over one thousand public health
practitioners from over 100 countries.
The composite is constructed on a scale from 0 to
100, the maximum value. As explained in Box 2.4, the weights on the five components are
25% level of health, 25% distribution of health, 12.5% level of responsiveness, 12.5% distri-bution
of responsiveness and 25% fairness of financial contribution. The mean value and
uncertainty intervals have been estimated for overall health system achievement using the
uncertainty intervals for each of the five components.
In addition, the table provides un-certainty
intervals for the ranks as well as the value of overall health system achievement.
Rank uncertainty is not only a function of the uncertainty of the measurement for each
country but also the uncertainty of the measurement of adjacent countries in the league
Improving the performance of health systems around the world is the raison d'être of this report.
Our challenge is to gain a
better understanding of the factors that make a difference. It has not been an easy task. We have debated
how a health
system should be defined in order to extend our field of concern beyond the provision of public and
personal health services,
and encompass other key areas of public policy that have an impact on people's health. This report suggests
that the
boundaries of health systems should encompass all actions whose primary intent is to improve health.