Internet and the use of data for International Affairs

bullet1 Importance of numbers in International Affairs

bullet2 Definition of indicator

An indicator can be defined as something that helps us to understand where we are, where we are going and how far we are from the goal. Therefore it can be a sign, a number, a graphic and so on. It must be a clue, a symptom, a pointer to something that is changing. Indicators  are presentations of measurements. They are bits of information that summarize the characteristics of systems or highlight what is happening in a system.

A more rigorous definition is given by the International Institute for Sustainable Development  (IISD):   " An indicator quantifies and simplifies phenomena and helps us understand complex realities.  Indicators are aggregates of raw and processed data but they can be further aggregated to form complex indices."

Example of traditional  indicators or indices used in measuring the social, economic and environmental welfare are: the Gross National Product, the unemployment rates, the price index, the life expectancy (ESEMPIO DI INDICATORE AMBIENTALE)

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