Internet and the use of data for International Affairs

bullet1 International indicators by International Organizations
bullet2 Economic Development (World Bank)

bullet3 Description of indicator

The   World Development Indicators (WDI)    is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. WDI 2000 includes 800 indicators in 85 tables, organized in six sections: world view, people, environment, economy, states and markets, and global links.

The classification of economies is done distinguishing stages of economic development through the GNP per capita. Economies are classified into 3 categories according to income.

The GNP per capita cutoff levels are as follows:

Low -income: $ 760 or less in 1998;

Middle-income: $ 761 to $ 9,360;

High income: 9,361 and above.

A further division at GNP per capita $ 3,030 is made between lower-middle income and upper-middle-income economies.

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