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Internet and the use of data for
International Affairs | | |
The questionnaire has developed through four stages:
The first draft was submitted to the Index Steering Committee at its meeting in Washington, DC, February
A second draft emerged from discussions with business people, journalists, public officials, etc. in
the course of focus
The third version was tested in the pilot survey in Gallup Argentina.
The final version is used in the actual survey.
The questionnaire is essentially aimed at producing two major new rankings. The first is an index of
major exporting
countries, ranked by the propensity of their companies to bribe while doing business abroad. The second
is a ranking of the
international business sectors perceived as being most - and least - prone to corruption. Both measures,
like the CPI, are
based on perceptions. In this case, we have identified a sample which should be well-placed to provide
us with insights in the
matter: top executives in the world's major emerging markets.
» See document: http://www.transparency.de/documents/cpi/bpi_framework.html