Internet and the use of data for International Affairs

bullet1 International Indicators by NGOs and other insititutions
bullet2 Competitiveness (WCY)

bullet3 Description of Indicator

The World Competiveness Yearbook   (WCY) is a research analyzing and ranking the ability of a nation to provide an environment that sustains the domestic and global competiveness of the firms operating in their borders. It is made yearly by the   International Institute for Management Development  and it covers 47 economies using 290 criteria. All 29 OECD countries are in the Yearbook along with 18 other emerging countries tought as important in the world economy. The WCY was published in 1987 for the first time and it uses two types of data to measure quantifiable and qualitative information separately:

HARD DATA: statistical indicators acquired from international and regional  organizations, private institutions an national institutes. 139 so called "hard criteria" are used to determine the overall rankings, while 41 are background information anda are not used in the rankings calculations.

SURVEY DATA:  A 110 item questionnaire is sent to top and middle executives in each of the country analyzied, asking to evaluate the present and expected competiveness conditions in the country. For the year 2000 survey the panel was composed of 3263 executives. Respondents ranks only the country in which they work.

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